- Story of Rita Sahay, Triple-negative Breast Cancer Winner When I received the news that I had cancer, my misery knew no bounds. I thought it was al..
July 31, 2023
- Story of Panna Parikh, Breast Cancer Winner A breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming—there are no two ways about it. Despite this misery t..
July 31, 2023
Story of Gauri Sinha – Breast Cancer Winner I was just 42 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My life was brought to a screeching halt. While ..
July 31, 2023
Story of Ananda Chandra Palei, 65-year-old Esophageal Cancer Winner Have you ever heard the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"? This..
July 31, 2023
Story of Ganesh Rajak, 60-year-old Stomach Cancer Winner Certain types of cancer do not show any symptoms in the early stages; this makes their diagn..
July 31, 2023
Story of Hardik Jani, 30-year-old Rectal Cancer Winner At age 30, nobody expects a cancer diagnosis – especially, when you are someone with no ill ..
July 31, 2023