
Adding Life to Years

Sagas of Hope & Resilience

We show cancer its place by treating it the right way, the first time.

Being diagnosed with cancer – be it of any type – is anything but good. No amount of words can describe the frustration, dilemma and fear that the..

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July 31, 2023

Rising Amidst Challenges and Winning Over Cancer

I was just 42 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My life was brought to a screeching halt. While cancer attacked my body, negative thoughts atta..

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July 31, 2023

My Encounter with the Big ‘C’

There are two ways to deal with a cancer diagnosis. One way is to let your fear and negative thoughts take over, which may possibly lead to a miserabl..

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July 31, 2023

When Arjun came to us with high-risk prostate cancer, we ensured that it would be nothing more than a chapter in his life.

Arjun Mandal is a 58-year old enthusiastic teacher and a multi-tasker with interests in multiple areas such as farming, playing football and sewing. A..

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July 31, 2023

My Routine Check-Up Saved My Life. A Simple Blood Test Was All That Was Needed.

As you age, your body starts demanding extra attention and care. Your heart, kidneys, liver, lungs and prostate – yes, your prostate needs care too...

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July 31, 2023

The word “Cancer” starts with a “C”, so does the word “Confidence”

The word “Cancer” starts with a “C”, so does the word “Confidence” – Mr Shivamurthy Bandiwad Two years ago, I was diagnosed with prosta..

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July 31, 2023