
World Lung Cancer Day August 2024

12 Aug, 2024

This article is medically reviewed by Dr. Sushant Ikhar, Consultant - Medical Oncology, HCG Cancer Centre, Nagpur

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According to the WHO, of all the types of cancer, lung cancer accounts for the highest number of cancer-related deaths globally. In India, lung cancer is one of the leading causes of death.

For various reasons, lung cancer is often detected only in advanced stages when there are few available treatment options.

These aspects make the observance of World Lung Cancer Day 2024, which is observed on August 1st, all the more important. It is high time that we educated individuals and communities about primary prevention and cancer screening for early detection. With early detection and timely treatment, it is possible to treat lung cancer successfully.

Celebrating World Lung Cancer Day provides you with the opportunity to take control of your health goals. Also, observing World Lung Cancer Day is crucial because:

  • It is a time to refocus on spreading awareness about lung cancer prevention and treatment.
  • It is a time to share and learn from inspiring patient stories.
  • It is a time to remind your loved one who is battling it alone that he/she is not alone.

History of Lung Cancer Awareness Day

We owe a great deal to the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, the American College of Chest Physicians, and the Forum of International Respiratory Societies as they campaigned for World Lung Cancer Day, which was eventually recognized in 2012.

The World Lung Cancer Day observance, which happens on August 1st of every year, began with the hope of creating awareness about lung cancer symptoms and risk factors. It strives to educate people about lung cancer treatment and to deal with the stigma associated with the illness.

World Lung Cancer Day 2024 also serves as a reminder to bring about lifestyle changes and embrace preventive care.

World Lung Cancer Day Awareness 2024: Theme and Significance


Stronger Together: United for Lung Cancer Awareness

We are no strangers to the proverb ‘United we stand, divided we fall’. Yes. Working together is important to fight the good fight against cancer.

Individuals, communities, governments, and health institutions should unite for this shared objective.


The World Lung Cancer Day observance is about more than just becoming aware of various aspects related to lung cancer. It is about adopting the right measures that will help us put ourselves ahead of lung cancer.

By promoting numerous aspects of an effective lung cancer management approach, including awareness, early detection, research, and better doctor-patient-caregiver relationships, World Lung Cancer Day aims to provide society with the right tools to conquer lung cancer.

1. Raise Awareness

Smoking is identified as a leading cause of about 80-90% of lung cancer cases. Every minute, around 700 people die in India due to tobacco use. As alarming as it is, anti-tobacco policies are not stringent enough to reduce tobacco-related fatalities. There should be interventions at a macro level to reduce the sale of tobacco products.

Also, did you know India is home to 21 of the 30 most polluted cities in the world?

We need strategies to reach out to the individuals who smoke, make them understand the lethal effects of tobacco use, and encourage them to quit this habit through healthy coping mechanisms. It is also our duty, as responsible citizens, to encourage the Government to generate policies that prioritize the health and well-being of citizens and society as a whole.
Dr. Sushant Ikhar

Air quality is also an important parameter considered when lung cancer incidence is discussed.

There should be a concerted effort to create and adhere to green policies and measures that focus on reducing our exposure to harmful pollutants that increase our lung cancer risk.

2. Promote Early Detection

Many lung cancer patients are not diagnosed until the disease has progressed to an advanced stage. This is primarily due to the lack of specific symptoms in the early stages of lung cancer, and this leads to delayed diagnosis in many cases.

Doctors use a low-dose CT (LDCT) scan to examine individuals who are more likely to get lung cancer (mostly because they smoke or have a history of heavy smoking). LDCT scans can identify strange spots in the lungs that might be cancerous.

Research has proven that annual LDCT scans for those at a higher risk of lung cancer are more effective at saving lives compared to chest X-rays.

It is better to keep up than to catch up!

Symptoms of Lung Cancer

Types of Lung Cancer

Based on the cell type that it originates from, lung cancer is classified into different types. A few types are more prevalent than others. Lung cancer is broadly classified into two types – non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer.

Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common type of cancer, and it accounts for about 85%. It is further classified into the types of adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Small cell lung cancer is relatively rare and accounts for about 15% of lung cancer cases.

Treatment of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer management often demands a multidisciplinary approach, wherein specialists from different disciplines come together to carefully study the case and go through the individual case parameters before devising a customized care plan that is going to meet each patient’s individual care needs.

The following are the different treatment options available for the effective treatment and management of lung cancer:

1. Surgery

A lobectomy involves removing the affected lobe of the lung due to lung cancer. It is a frequently performed surgery for lung cancer.

Surgery is suitable only for early-stage lung cancer cases.

2. Radiation Therapy

External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) is given either post-operatively or to control pain or to treat brain lesions or cancer that spread to the brain.

3. Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy drugs travel through the bloodstream all over the body. This way, they can help fight cancer cells that have moved from the lung tumor to different areas of the body.

Since it is associated with toxicity, it may lead to side effects like vomiting, hair loss, fever, etc.

Watch this video, where one of our cancer specialists from HCG Cancer Centre, Borivali, speaks about the recent advancements in the field of lung cancer treatment:

4. Targeted Drug Therapy (TKIs)

Some lung cancers, especially stage IV adenocarcinoma, can be treated with oral drugs only without chemotherapy if they carry certain molecular alterations, which are detected by WGS tests.

5. Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy boosts your immune system to become stronger and fight harder. It targets the cancer cells and makes them easily noticeable so that our immune system can effectively eliminate them. Immunotherapy does not have the conventional side effects of chemotherapy.

Measures to Prevent Lung Cancer

While there are no sure-shot ways to prevent lung cancer, there are measures that can help you reduce your risk of developing lung cancer.

The following are the key measures that you can adopt to reduce your lung cancer risk:

HCG Oncology: A Ray of Hope to Lung Cancer Patients

On World Lung Cancer Day, we remind you to go for a lung cancer screening if you are in the high-risk category.

HCG is a leading lung cancer treatment hospital in India. Our groundbreaking work in lung cancer research, preventive care, multiple treatment modalities, and integrative medicine is continuously updated to address the newer challenges associated with lung cancer.

As a comprehensive, single-specialty cancer care provider, we have a robust team of cancer specialists who are extensively trained to use modern treatment approaches to provide unmatched, holistic patient experiences and outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

One word: ACTION

Be a proactive participant in events that are organized by HCG in connection with World Lung Cancer Day.

Encourage your friends, colleagues, and relatives to quit smoking.

You may consider raising awareness about lung cancer screening on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

You may join relevant associations and communities that urge the government to implement public policies that will reduce the availability of and access to tobacco products.

HCG is one place where you can find support for lung cancer patients and caregivers. We treat you with respect and instill hope in you. We provide you with advanced care and involve you in cross-functional team discussions and decisions. HCG ensures your access to rehabilitation services following treatment.

Pink Hope, HCG’s dedicated cancer patient support group, can also be a place for lung cancer patients and their carers to seek necessary mental and emotional support.


Author Bio

Dr. Sushant Ikhar
Consultant - Medical Oncology
MBBS, MD (Medicine), DM (Medical Oncology)

Dr. Sushant Ikhar is a highly experienced medical oncologist, practicing at HCG Cancer Centre, a leading cancer hospital in Nagpur. He specializes in managing cancers of the lung, breast, and ovaries through systemic therapies. His approach to treatment is evidence-based and customized to the individual needs of the patient. He is well-versed in chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy and makes sure to discuss all the available treatment options with the patient. He also has a special interest in clinical trials related to cancer and keeps himself updated on the latest advances in the field.

To book an appointment with Dr. Sushant Ikhar, please click here.

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