Dr. Abha Kumari is a radiation oncologist with 7+ years of experience. She specialises in delivering advanced radiation therapy techniques such as 3DCRT, IMRT, VMAT, respiratory gating therapy, IGRT, SRS, SRT, and brachytherapy. Dr. Kumari has a particular interest in head and neck cancer and breast cancer research. Her treatment approach is to provide personalised and compassionate care while delivering the latest in cancer treatments.
HCG Cancer Center - Kolkata
View Profile Book an AppointmentM.B.B.S, D.N.B (Radiation and Clinical Oncology), Dr.N.B (Medical Oncology), ECMO Certified (European Society of Medical Oncology), PDCR (Professional Diploma in Clinical research), ASCO (Pain & Palliative care), ECFMG, USA (USMLE Step 1 , Step 2 CK)
HCG Cancer Center - Kolkata
View Profile Book an AppointmentHCG Cancer Center - Kolkata
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