Dr. Sumit’s core knowledge lies in the field of cancer imaging and interventions. He is highly skilled in performing image guided biopsies, guided drainages, PTBD, PCN, tumour ablations etc.Apart from interventional radiology, he has special interests in thoracic imaging esp. ILD.
• Pl, Role of an on-site cytopathologist in the efficacy and accuracy of US guided FNAC in the current pandemic scenario - A clinical audit (2020-2022)
• Pl, Correlation of DVT and PTE in cancer patients at TMC - A retrospective study (2020- 2022)
• First Author, "Imaging Of Chiari Type I And Type II Malformations", Published in Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; September 2016: Vol.-5, Issue- 4, P. 689-693
• First Author, "Radiographic spectrum of a medical emergency- spontaneous pneumothorax as a rare complication of diabetic ketoacidosis ". Published in Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; December 2016: Vol.-6, Issue- 1, P. 493-498
• First Author, "The gist of GISTS - A radiological case report", Published in Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS) ISSN 2320-6691 (Online), Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., 2017; 5(2B):415-417
• First Author, "Role of high-resolution computed tomography in the clinico-radiological study of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases and in disease progression of tuberculosis". Published in International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences (Sharma Set al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2017 Mar;5(3):956-964)
• Co-Author, "A rare case of retinal arteriovenous malformation associated with conjunctiva! telangiectasia and cerebral arteriovenous malformation". Published in IP International Journal of Ocular Oncology and Oculoplasty, July-September, 2017;3(3):230-232
• Presented a lecture on " TIPSS in a case of hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumour thrombus " in a MIRACLE meet (2018)
• Presented a lecture on "Venous stenting for post liver transplant venous anastomotic stenosis - demonstrating the role of diligent pressure measurements for good clinical outcomes" in a MIRACLE meet (2018)
• Research Poster presentation on "Imaging Of Chiari Type I And Type II Malformations" at IRIA Annual Conference, Jaipur (2017)
• Paper presentation on "A unique radiological entity causing cervical pain- Eagle's syndrome" at 69th Annual Conference of TN & PY Chapter of IRIA (2016)
• Research paper presentation on "Role of high-resolution computed tomography in the clinico- radiological study of diffuse parenchymal lung diseases and in disease progression of tuberculosis" in SLIMSRAD (2015)
Second rank in MD (Radiodiagnosis) examination- SLIMS
HCG Cancer Center - Kolkata
View Profile Book an AppointmentM.B.B.S, D.N.B (Radiation and Clinical Oncology), Dr.N.B (Medical Oncology), ECMO Certified (European Society of Medical Oncology), PDCR (Professional Diploma in Clinical research), ASCO (Pain & Palliative care), ECFMG, USA (USMLE Step 1 , Step 2 CK)
HCG Cancer Center - Kolkata
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