
HCG in News

Cancer care specialist hospital chain HCG to expand its footprint - Mr. Raj Gore

We are happy to share that an interview of our CEO, Mr. Raj Gore has been featured in The Hindu Business Line publication titled 'Cancer care specialist hospital chain HCG to expand its footprint'.

The interview focuses on HCG's expansion plan and how it is addressing the pressing need for comprehensive cancer care centers, particularly in underserved regions and being a leading player in the oncology field, Mr. Raj Gore reveals ambitious plans to add nearly 475 beds in the next three years as it seeks to expand its national footprint.

Please click on the link below to access the full interview: https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/companies/cancer-care-specialist-hospital-chain-hcg-to-expand-its-footprint/article68142012.ece