
HCG in News

Exploring possibilities of strategic tie-ups with hospital chains'- Dr B. S. Ajaikumar

On the back of our record Q2FY22 per­form­ance with all-time high oper­at­ing fin­an­cials and highest ever monthly and quarterly rev­enue and EBITDA, we expect even higher foot­falls going for­ward ? both from domestic and inter­na­tional patients ? to enable all HCG centres to con­tinue their scale-up tra­ject­ory. The upsurge in Maha­rashtra centres is expec­ted to scale new highs, hav­ing already delivered 17.5 per cent rev­enue growth q-o-q. East India and North India are likely to gain fur­ther momentum in their high-growth tra­ject­or­ies. Step­ping into the new year, we will con­tinue to optim­ise cap­ital alloc­a­tions around can­cer care. M&A is an integ­ral part of our strategy, and given our demon­strated cap­ab­il­ity to integ­rate acquis­i­tions, we will con­tinue to eye emer­ging geo­graph­ies to deliver focused med­ical care in micro­mar­kets and fur­ther con­sol­id­ate our dom­in­ant pos­i­tion. We will reap the syn­er­getic bene­fits of our major­ity stake in Suchirayu Health­care Solu­tions, which owns a multi-spe­ci­al­ity hos­pital in Hubli. We will also explore pos­sib­il­it­ies of stra­tegic tie-ups with hos­pital chains in the devel­op­ing world to extend our expert­ise driven by need. A case in point is our col­lab­or­a­tion with Al Hayat Inter­na­tional Hos­pital which is focused on strength­en­ing Oman?s can­cer care expert­ise through vir­tual video con­sulta­tions with expert can­cer spe­cial­ists from HCG Chain of Hos­pit­als, India.? ? DR B. S. AJAIKUMAR, Exec­ut­ive Chair­man, Health­Care Global Enter­prises, Bengaluru