

What is Chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is one of the most common cancer treatment modalities. It uses drugs to kill or stop the growth of cancer cells. These medications target rapidly dividing cells and interfere with their ability to divide, grow, and spread.

In contrast to localized treatments such as surgery and radiation therapy, which only focus on the tumor or the organ that is affected by cancer, chemotherapy works systemically, i.e., it targets the entire body and kills cancer cells throughout the body. Thus, it is generally the treatment of choice for patients diagnosed with cancer that has a higher chance of spreading to other organs or has already metastasized.

Chemotherapy may be recommended as primary treatment, may be used in combination with other therapies, or may be prescribed to manage the symptoms in patients with advanced-stage cancer.

Types of Chemotherapy

Some of the types of chemotherapy are:

1. Curative Chemotherapy

It aims to treat cancer as a primary treatment. It may be combined with other treatments, such as radiation therapy or surgery.

2. Adjuvant Chemotherapy

It is administered after the primary treatments, such as surgery, to kill the remaining cancer cells and reduce the risk of recurrence.

3. Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

It increases the efficacy of the primary treatment. It is done before surgery or radiation therapy to reduce the size of the tumor so that the primary treatment (surgery or radiotherapy) can easily eliminate the tumor.

4. Palliative Chemotherapy

It does not treat cancer but manages the symptoms caused by it. It is usually administered to patients with advanced-stage cancers.

How is Chemotherapy Done?

Chemotherapy can be administered in various ways based on the type of cancer, the specific drugs used, and the patient's overall health. The main methods include:

What Types of Cancer Can Chemotherapy Treat?

Chemotherapy is a versatile treatment option used for various types of cancer, including:

How Do I Prepare for Chemotherapy Treatment?

Your expert team will initially explain the entire treatment process and will be there to guide you at every step. The most important steps involved in chemotherapy treatment are:

1. Know the Treatment Details

Patients should discuss the details of their chemotherapy regimen with their oncologists. This may include the types of drugs, their frequency, method of administration, and expected outcomes of the ff.

Patients should also obtain information related to the side effects of the treatment and how to manage them, as well as the chemotherapy cost.

2. Ask for Patient Assistance Programs

Some chemotherapy medications, especially those under patents, are expensive.

Several organizations provide financial assistance to help cover the chemotherapy treatment cost. It is important to discuss the available assistance with the consultant.

Patients should also ask if their current insurance plan covers the price of the drugs and other costs related to treatment.

3. Ease Financial Stress

Patients diagnosed with cancer should understand the overall cost of their treatment. They should develop a budget or seek financial advice to ease the financial burden.

Patients may also inform their employers about the treatment schedule and ask for flexible working hours.

4. Manage Side Effects

Following the doctor's advice for managing side effects is important.

Most side effects are managed through medications. Patients should also take proper nutrition, stay hydrated, and get sufficient rest during treatment.

5. Have a Treatment Routine

Patients should establish a treatment routine, preparing well in advance for each session. Arranging for transportation may also be necessary.

Accompanying family members or friends can provide valuable emotional support during this time.

What Happens During Chemotherapy Treatment?

Patients may receive chemotherapy at the clinic, hospital, or home. During chemotherapy treatment, patients can expect the following:

How Long is Chemo Treatment?

The clinical trial that you will be a part of should be thoroughly explained to you before you consent to take part in it.

This should include information about:

Various factors affect the duration of chemotherapy, such as the type and stage of cancer, the patient's overall health, the response to the treatment, and the types of drugs used.

Chemotherapy is usually administered in cycles, with each cycle lasting between 2 and 6 weeks.

The treatment is divided into various cycles based on the type of cancer and its severity. The treatment usually lasts 3 to 6 months but may sometimes be prolonged.

Chemotherapy Drug Classification

Chemotherapy drugs are classified based on their mechanism of action and chemical structure:

Benefits of Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy offers several significant benefits in the fight against cancer:

1. Curative Potential

It may be a primary treatment for some cancers and lead to a complete cure.

2. Combination Therapy

It also enhances the efficacy of other treatments, such as surgery and radiation therapy.

3. Prevent Recurrence

As an adjuvant therapy, it reduces the risk of cancer recurrence.

4. Symptom Relief

It may also be recommended as part of palliative care in patients with advanced-stage cancers. It shrinks the tumor, manages symptoms, and improves the patient's overall quality of life.

Side Effects of Chemotherapy

Common chemotherapy side effects are:

Why Choose HCG Cancer Centre for Chemotherapy Services?

HCG Cancer Centre is one of the premier institutes that delivers healthcare services related to cancer diagnosis and treatment.

The center has advanced facilities, such as the availability of dedicated drug mixing cabinets and a broad spectrum of chemo drugs, along with a large team of experienced doctors and paramedical staff to administer chemotherapy.

Post-chemotherapy services, which involve managing side effects and providing psychological and emotional support, are also provided to the patients.


Chemotherapy is a common treatment modality for patients diagnosed with cancer. It involves delivering drugs, either orally or through injection, to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells.

It may be administered alone or with other treatments, such as surgery or radiation therapy. It may be curative or used to manage the symptoms as a part of palliative care. Several types of medications are available that work on different stages of the cell cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chemotherapy drugs kill the cancer cells. They are administered orally or through injection. Patients may experience various chemo side effects, such as fatigue, nausea and vomiting, hair loss, and oral ulcers.

Chemotherapy is usually not painful. However, some patients may experience pain at the catheter or port insertion site.

Because of the advanced medications available, most patients live normal lives during chemotherapy.

However, measures like managing side effects, consuming a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and taking appropriate rest are important for a better life after your treatment.

The frequency of chemotherapy treatment depends upon several factors, such as the type and stage of cancer, the method of administration, the type of drug, and the patient's overall health.

The doctor may recommend imaging tests to determine if the chemotherapy is working.

Yes, most patients fully recover from chemotherapy, especially when they are cancer-free. Recovery is accelerated by managing the side effects and choosing healthy lifestyles.

Yes, chemotherapy for breast cancer is effective in reducing the tumor size and preventing its recurrence. This treatment is usually combined with other therapies, such as surgery or radiation therapy, to treat breast cancer.

Patients should consult their doctors before taking any ayurvedic medications along with chemotherapy. Ayurvedic medications may interfere with the efficacy of chemo drugs.

Chemotherapy involves treating cancer with the administration of medications, while radiation therapy consists of the use of high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells.

Yes, hair grows back after the treatment is completed.

Chemotherapy may be used at all stages of cancer, including the early and advanced stages. It may also be a part of palliative care. Doctors may also prescribe chemo for cancer recurrences.

There is no specific diet for patients with chemotherapy. The doctors recommend eating a healthy diet and remaining hydrated.

The doctor may recommend specific imaging testing, such as CT or MRI, to determine the efficacy of the chemotherapy.