
Varian Unique Power for Radiation Therapy at HCG


The linear accelerator, Unique Power by Varian, provides a comprehensive and cost-efficient solution for radiation therapy.It encompasses all necessary components and facilities to deliver the highest quality radiation treatments while maintaining uncompromised quality throughout.

How does Varian Unique Power work?

The working of the Varian Unique Power is through the following components:

Advantages of Varian Unique Power

Some of the advantages of Varian Unique Power are:

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Varian Unique Power is safe for patients. It has an advanced LaserGuard patient protection system that minimizes the risk of gantry collisions.

The side effects of the Varian Unique Power Radiotherapy System are fewer than those of conventional radiation therapy to cure cancer due to low doses and minimal tissue damage. Side effects, if present, may include fatigue, skin reactions, nausea, and vomiting.

Undergoing radiation therapy with Varian Unique Power is similar to undergoing radiation therapy with other linear accelerators. The care team will provide you with instructions to follow before, during, and after treatment. Each session may take 10 - 30 minutes, and the treatment course may last 1-7 weeks. There will be sufficient time between sessions for you to rest and recuperate. It is important to follow all the instructions of the radiation oncologists before undergoing radiation therapy with Varian Unique Power. It will improve outcomes and minimize side effects.