
10 Common Causes & Symptoms of Anal Cancer

What are Anal Cancer Symptoms?

Anal cancer symptoms are pretty similar to those of hemorrhoids, such as anal bleeding. This is why many people tend to ignore it until things get out of hand. Thus, doctors often advise patients to get themselves checked as soon as possible.

In some cases, patients do not experience any symptoms at all. However, with time, they start getting symptoms, such as itching in and around the rectum, abnormal discharge from the anus, swollen lymph nodes present in the groin or anal region, rectum bleeding, and pain in the anal area.

Though having one or more of these signs does not mean one has anal cancer, it can get a little uncomfortable to talk about these issues. But it is always better to seek help from a healthcare provider if these symptoms worsen or do not go away even after medication.

If these signs of anal cancer are recognized and reported at an early stage, it can lead to positive health outcomes and improve survival rates. Also, since an anal cancer lump is often present at a location the doctors can easily reach, the diagnosis becomes easy.

Top 10 Common Signs and Symptoms of Anal Cancer

Here are the common signs and symptoms of anal carcinoma

What are the Causes of Anal Cancer?

Now, the question arises: what are the causes of anal cancer? Carcinoma of the anus is normally caused by a sexually transmitted infection known as the human papillomavirus (HPV).

When Should I See a Doctor?

The right time to see a doctor is when you start experiencing any of the symptoms of anal cancer. Though these symptoms may seem minor and you may not feel comfortable talking about them, it is always better to be cautious. Also, since these symptoms are similar to those of hemorrhoids, they can create confusion and lead to an unnecessary delay in diagnosis.

Frequently Asked Questions

A small percentage of anal cancer is caused by inherited genetic mutations. Also, those who have a family history of anal cancer have an increased risk of developing it.

Extreme constipation is one of the most common signs of anal cancer and a significant risk factor for it.

No, hemorrhoids and anal cancer are absolutely unrelated. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal canal, and they are caused by straining during bowel movements. Anal cancer, on the other hand, is caused by abnormal division of the anal cells.

Both cause rectal bleeding; however, hemorrhoids are neither a risk factor nor a warning sign of anal cancer.

Yes, anal cancer causes lower back pain that radiates from the anal cancer site to the back.