
Appendix Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment - A Detailed Guide

Doctors recommend several tests for appendix cancer diagnosis. Along with diagnosis, these tests help in staging the disease and devising an appropriate treatment plan. Based on the disease’s stage and other factors, the treatment plan may comprise one treatment or multiple treatments. Multiple treatment options available for appendix cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy.

Procedures or Tests for Appendix Cancer Diagnosis

The following are the different test methods available for appendix cancer diagnosis:

Medical history and Physical evaluation

Patients should pay attention to symptoms related to the gastrointestinal system and should consult with experienced gastroenterologists or physicians. The doctor will comprehensively evaluate the patient's overall health status and detect the cause of the symptoms. The doctor may ask the patient about the starting and progression of the signs and their severity.

The doctor may also ask about smoking history, as it increases the risk of appendix cancer. Further, a medical history of atrophic gastritis, pernicious anemia, and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome may also be evaluated, as these diseases may enhance appendix cancer risk. The doctor may also ask the patients about their family history of appendix cancer.

Blood Tests

No blood test confirms the diagnosis of appendix cancer. However, blood tests may help determine the patients' overall health status. As patients with appendix cancer present with symptoms similar to appendicitis, the doctor may recommend the patients undergo tests for neutrophil percentage, total leukocyte count, and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration. There are specific tumor markers present in the blood that may indicate appendix cancer. These include CA-125 (cancer antigen 125), CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen), and CA 19-9 (cancer antigen 19-9).

Imaging Tests

Imaging tests play a vital role in obtaining additional information about the tumor, including its size, exact location, and its extent. These tests also help specialists plan customized treatment plans, monitor the treatment response shown by patients, and detect recurrences.


As an important appendix cancer detection test, a biopsy involves obtaining samples of abnormal cells and examining them in the laboratory under a microscope. A biopsy may serve as a confirmatory test for diagnosing appendix cancer.

Pathology Examination

The patients suspected of appendix cancer undergo a pathology examination of the appendix. Pathological examination helps in determining the cause of the symptoms. The most common condition mimicking the symptoms of appendix cancer is acute appendicitis.

What are the Effective Appendix Cancer Treatments?

Following are the appendix cancer treatment options:


Surgery is a preferred primary treatment for all types of appendix cancer except goblet cell adenocarcinoma. The procedure is used in early-stage cancer to remove the cancerous tissues. As the disease progresses, surgery is often combined with other treatment approaches, such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy, for better outcomes.

In advanced stages, such as stage 4 appendix cancer, surgery may be performed to ease the pain and discomfort associated with the disease and improve the quality of life for patients.


Chemotherapy is an important appendix cancer treatment option. It uses various drugs, usually in combination, to kill cancer cells or prevent their growth. Chemotherapy may be done in combination with surgery or radiation therapy.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is a method of treating appendix cancer that kills the cell through high-energy radiation. Radiation therapy is delivered in multiple sittings or sessions spread over a predetermined period.

Targeted Therapy

There are specific proteins or genes specific to cancer cells that are vital for the growth and development of cancer cells. As one of the latest appendix cancer treatment options, targeted therapy targets these proteins or genes and interferes with the proliferation of tumor cells. Targeted therapy has relatively fewer side effects compared to conventional chemotherapy.

Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are recommended for patients who have exhausted all their treatment options. Clinical trials help patients access new drugs, new treatment methods, etc. that are not available on the wider market. Some patients find clinical trials helpful for their condition.

Those wanting to be a part of clinical trials should talk to their treating doctor for more information and appropriate guidance.

Why Choose HCG for Appendix Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment?

As a top cancer hospital in India, HCG Cancer Center is one of the most advanced centers with ultramodern facilities for diagnosing and managing appendix cancer. There are several advantages to choosing HCG for appendix cancer. These include extensive experience and specializations of the medical and paramedical staff, multidisciplinary care, highly sophisticated diagnostic tools, conventional and modern treatment options, support services, and the availability of second opinion solutions.


The appendix cancer diagnosis can be done through imaging techniques, blood tests, medical history and physical examination, biopsy, and pathology examination. Different options for appendix cancer treatment include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

The latest treatment for appendix cancer includes intraperitoneal chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and robotic-assisted appendix cancer surgeries.

Removing the appendix as a part of appendix cancer treatment is effective in patients with early-stage cancer. However, advanced-stage appendix cancer requires other treatments along with surgery.

The recurrence of appendix cancer depends on several factors, such as the stage of the primary diagnosis, the overall response to treatment, and adherence to the advice of the oncologists.

Although chemotherapy is highly efficient in managing appendix cancer, its efficacy depends on the stage of cancer diagnosis, overall patient health, age, and response to chemotherapy drugs.

Appendix cancer survival rate is lower in patients with advanced-stage cancer. Chemotherapy, along with radiation therapy and surgery, may be used as a part of palliative care or appendix cancer pain treatment to reduce the severity of symptoms.

Patients diagnosed in the early stages of cancer have a favorable prognosis and may live a healthy life after the completion of treatment. However, patients with advanced-stage appendix cancer may have treatment challenges, a poor prognosis, and a relatively higher risk for recurrence.

The preparation depends on the types of tests recommended by the doctor. The expert team will provide patients with detailed information about preparing for the procedure before every test.