
Eye Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention Measures

There are several eye cancer risk factors. Some factors are specific to a particular age, while others are specific to a particular race and ethnicity. It is important to identify these eye cancer risk factors and follow eye cancer prevention measures to lower the risk.

What are Eye Cancer Risk Factors?

Some of the common eye cancer risk factors are:

Top 7 Eye Cancer Prevention Measures

Several people ask about how to prevent eye cancer. There is no method for complete eye cancer prevention. Certain measures may lower the risk of eye cancer. Following are some of the eye cancer prevention measures:


Eye cancer risk factors include family history, eye color, skin color, unusual moles, sunning and tanning, and inherited conditions. The eye cancer prevention measures include getting vitamin C and zinc, wearing wrap-around sunglasses, limiting alcohol intake, avoiding eye injury, avoiding smoking, having regular eye exams, and limiting exposure to sunlight.

Frequently Asked Questions

Early diagnosis and treatment of eye cancer may improve the survival rate. The survival rate depends on several other factors, such as eye cancer types, treatment response, and overall health.

Experts believe sunglasses reduce UV radiation exposure to the eyes and lower the risk of eye cancer.

The partial or complete loss of vision during or after eye cancer depends upon the type of structure affected, the stage of the disease, and the response to treatment.

Some biopsy complications include retinal detachment, cataracts, and increased intraocular pressure.

Malignant cells from the eyes break from the primary tumor and travel to various other organs, including the liver and lungs. These cells then grow in these organs to form tumors.

The possibility of cancer recurrence depends on the type of cancer and the stage of diagnosis. Almost half of the cases of uveal melanoma recur, while one-third to half of the cases of conjunctival melanoma recur.