
Pancreatic Cancer : Symptoms, Signs and Causes

Pancreatic cancer symptoms are not easily detected, and this is why it is often touted as a 'silent killer'. As it goes with every cancer type, early detection of symptoms always helps in designing a proper line of treatment and increasing survival rates.

However, the signs of pancreatic cancer are often similar to those of other less-severe diseases, such as gastrointestinal problems. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor for a conclusive diagnosis.

Who is Mainly Affected by Pancreatic Cancer?

Pancreatic cancer mainly affects people over the age of 65, and though it can affect both genders, it is slightly more common among males.

Pancreatic cancer symptoms and signs

Pancreatic cancer symptoms may differ from person to person depending upon the cancer stage, the person's overall health condition, the tumor's size, the location of the cancer, and the extent of the cancer's spread.

Pancreatic cancer type and its symptoms

Different types of pancreatic cancer may cause different signs and symptoms. The following are the signs of different types of pancreatic cancer:

What are the common causes of pancreatic cancer?

To date, it has not been possible to know what causes pancreatic cancer; however, certain factors that can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer have been identified:

When should I see an oncologist?

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above or possess any of the high-risk factors that can increase your chances of getting pancreatic carcinoma, it is advisable to see an oncologist at the earliest. Early detection of the cancer can always help improve the prognosis, so it is recommended not to delay the visit to the doctor.


Pancreatic cancer causes and symptoms have equal roles to play when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of the cancer. Also, experts place emphasis on visiting a doctor as soon as any of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer appear in the body for the effective management of the condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no such difference between the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in a woman and a man. Some of the common pancreatic cancer symptoms in men and women include jaundice, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, fatigue, and unexplained weight loss.

Pancreatic cancer does not usually present early signs, which makes it quite challenging to detect it in the initial stages.

Type 2 diabetes is often linked to a high risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

As the name suggests, pancreatic cancer usually starts in the cells of the pancreas. The pancreatic gland comprises exocrine cells and endocrine cells, and more than 90% of pancreatic cells arise from exocrine cells.

Yes, pancreatic cancer is a rare form of cancer compared to other cancer types.

Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas is an aggressive form of cancer. It is often diagnosed in advanced stages and has limited treatment options.

Opting for regular health checkups may help with early detection, which can support a better treatment response.

Although most pancreatic cancers cannot be prevented, you can lower your risk by keeping your weight in check, quitting smoking, and reducing your alcohol consumption. Chronic pancreatitis and having a positive family history of the disease are other risk factors. Precancerous lesions can be detected occasionally, and if they are addressed on time, one may prevent the development of pancreatic cancer.