
Soft Tissue Sarcoma Risk Factors and Prevention Measures

Several factors enhance the risk of soft tissue sarcoma. Clinicians must identify those risk factors and provide appropriate preventive measures to lower the risk of developing soft tissue sarcoma.

Soft Tissue Sarcoma Risk Factors

Some of the common soft tissue sarcoma risk factors include:

How to Prevent Soft Tissue Sarcoma?

Although it is impossible to prevent soft tissue sarcoma, certain soft tissue sarcoma prevention measures lower its risk. Soft tissue sarcoma prevention strategies include minimizing modifiable risk factors and adhering to a healthy lifestyle. Some soft tissue sarcoma prevention measures are:


The soft tissue sarcoma risk factors include older age, history of radiation therapy, chemical exposure, lymphedema, genetic conditions, and compromised immunity. Soft tissue sarcoma prevention may be achieved through minimizing radiation exposure, safeguarding against chemical exposure, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Soft tissue sarcoma prevention measures include reduced radiation and chemical exposure, a healthy lifestyle, and routine monitoring.

People with excessive exposure to radiation, older individuals, individuals with a history of radiotherapy, and patients with certain genetic conditions are at increased risk for soft tissue sarcoma.

The fatality rate of soft tissue sarcoma depends on several factors. These include the stage during the time of diagnosis, overall patient health, types of soft tissue sarcoma, and response to treatment. The 5-year soft tissue sarcoma survival rate is estimated to be about 65%.

Although there is a link between family history, hereditary conditions, and soft tissue sarcoma, most cases are sporadic and develop spontaneously.